Piazzale Marengo 8
IT 20121 Milano
Product range


MIB has a large portfolio of products and solutions of which banknotes neutralization systems, anti-fraud solutions and devices to contrast the introduction of explosives into ATM safe.

In the range of IBNS (Intelligent Banknotes Neutralization System) systems, MIB proposes two device lines:

SBK7 (New 2019 in patent pending)
Concerning with devices to contrast introduction of explosive, MIB proposes different modules and solutions: 

SID – Security Interlock Device
AGS – Anti Gas System
EAP – External Armoured Plate
APS – Area Presenter Sensor
MIB also provides solutions based on proprietary technology such as:

Anti Retract Function
Ink-Code Database Service
Anti Black Box Solutions
SBSC SecurBancomat Remote Control
One – Shot Lock Security Management

Company profile

MIB is specialized in Banking Automation, banknotes management and ATM Security Solutions. With more than 40 years of experience in the market, it develops its core competence in designing and manufacturing devices that meet high quality standards, ease of use and traceability of components.

MIB is a dynamic and flexible reality with a clear vision: "Anticipating its Customers’ security needs”. The mission is focused on the creation of advanced high technology solutions, integrated and capable of adapting to the evolutions of technical context and regulatory requirements, which characterize devices for deposit and distribution of values.

MIB focus on industrial research and technological innovation to offer proprietary solutions able to meet new security challenges. To date more than 70 patents have been registered by the company in Europe and in the USA.

MIB develops its business on the basis of a Code of Ethics as the expression of values in relationships with customers and suppliers that all employees of the company follow.

More information are available on our website www.mibgroup.eu

Contact / Appointment Request
