Edison House,163 Dixons Hill Rd.
GB AL9 7JE Wellham Green



Testifire, die All-in-One-Prüflösung, ermöglicht eine regelkonforme Funktionsprüfung von Wärme-, Rauch- und CO-Meldern, egal ob es sich um Einzel-Sensor- oder Multi-Sensor-Brandmelder handelt.




Scorpion is the solution for buildings with smoke detectors that are difficult to access. Scorpion is equally suitable for point and aspirating smoke detector systems and ensures that all smoke detectors can be tested - regardless of the location.


Solo 365

Solo 365

An innovative new test device for functional testing of smoke detectors. Solo 365 generates smoke using the Solo ES3 smoke cartridges which allow for faster, easier and cleaner testing.


Detector Testers is the world's leading developer and supplier of testing solutions for fire alarm systems.

The inventors of Solo, one of the fire protection industry's most popular brands, the company's latest electronic solutions, as well as Testifire and the next generation of Solo, are now at the forefront of providing compliant testing solutions for smoke, heat and CO single-sensor and multi-sensor detector. These latest tools offer service personnel significant productivity gains while also reducing testing costs.

For aspirating smoke detection systems, the company offers Scorpion, which allows for quick and easy testing of ASD systems without the time, effort and disruption that testing can typically involve.

Alle Lösungen sind von den führenden Brandmelder-Herstellern zugelassen und werden von ihnen verwendet, und die Kernprodukte sind UL-zertifiziert.

Besuchen Sie das Team am Stand 7D30 für weitere Informationen und eine Demonstration dieser Lösungen.

Kontakt-/ Terminanfrage
